New Project: Nosey AF Podcast

Yall, I done went ahead and started a podcast. I'm excited about it, and I have three episodes published awaiting your ears.

Starting a podcast has been on my mind for a loooonnng time, so I'm happy that its up and going. Like most of my projects, I go back and forth with the who, what and where, and this project was no different.

So I just decided to start.

Ooh wait, want to know a quick fun fact? So you know my project" So This One Guy Project " ? Well, initially that had a podcast piece to it, but I decided to simplify it and make it a video only project. I have a few audio interviews recorded, and I'm going to share a few of those on the podcast because they are just as wild as the videos. You'll see, See that was fun to share with ya wasn't it!
Anyway back to this podcast of mine, it's called "NoseyAF," and I started it for a few reasons:

The first reason is so that I could have a space to extend the conversations I explore in my art about race, class, gender, and subcultures while sharing directly with you the things going on in my studio.  This podcast is another layer where you get to know me and my personality. You know.. We can get closer, plus I like to be silly and act up. Join me in the foolishness LOL.
Secondly, I want to be able to speak to other moguls in the making about how they get stuff done, cause Girlllllllll art business, film jobs, working out, praising the Lord, being a daughter and a friend.. its a lot and I know you feel it too man. How do you do it?!

I also get to explore audio as a new medium, its a podcast today but... what else can I do with sound. So here I am, all in with NoseyAF. I launched my first episode on April 19th. Would you check it out and give it a listen? So far I've spoken to a rapper about student debt, a mental health professional about drug use in hip-hop and a makeup artist turned hummus chef. The NoseyAF Podcast is available on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play MusicStitcher, Pocket Casts, and TuneIn. If you do check this out, let me know what you think. If it's not your thing, I would appreciate you sharing it with a friend, fellow colleague or loved one. Also, that was a real question, how do you get everything done? I just want to know so I can apply it to my life, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading and checking out Nosey AF. I have new epsidodes on Mondays. Talk with you soon, Stephanie


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